Feeling sad quotes

01. Once in my life, I met someone whom I loved and cared for. I gave everything, I fought for him. But one thing I forgot to do is to ask if he wanted me to.

02. It hurts to say goodbye to a person you love knowing that life won’t be the same without him. But it’s better to give up rather than to fight knowing that you’re the only one fighting.

03. I’m tormented, I’m crushed, I don’t know what to do. I’m confused, I’m lost, I totally got no clue. I know I love you. Yeah, that’s true. But when will you start loving me too?

04. Sometimes I get so happy being with you that I just wanna hug you. But then I get scared that you will hug me back. And then it gets too damn hard when you decide it’s already time to let go.

05. Whoever said that death was the hardest part was wrong. Letting go and realizing I will never feel your arms around me again is even harder.

06. I envy the one you love, the one whom you belong to. But I’ve thought much to realize how envious the one you love could get if only she had known that I am the one who can love you best.

07. I wish you’ve never been so sweet, I wish you weren’t too special, I wish you never became my world. The problem is you are. I wish I didn’t know you and I wish I didn’t love you. The problem is I do.

08. I pretended to be deaf when I heard you. I pretended to be blind when I saw the two of you. I tried not to get hurt when I was supposed to. Cause when I saw you happy with someone else, I pretended that I was the one with you.

09. What can she do that I can’t do? What can she make you feel that I can’t? Why can’t you feel that way for me too? What does she have that I don’t? Forget I asked. I already know. She has you.

10. I’m through with sentimental quotes, I’m through with sad goodbyes, I’m through with all the pain he gave me. I just hope I’ll be through with him so everything won’t be a big lie.

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