Sad quotes that make you cry

01. Teach me how to be strong before you go. Teach me how to believe in your lies. Teach me how to control my tears before I start to cry. Teach me how to make you mine before you say goodbye.

02. I wonder why just when I learned to wait, it was when you never came. I wonder why just when I learned to laugh, it was when you made me cry. And I wonder why just when I’ve learned to love you, it was when you said goodbye.

03. You think I’ll cry? You think I’ll breakdown? Damn, you’re wrong! I knew your games before, I just played along. If you think I’m stupid, yup, you’re right! I fell for a player with his game I couldn’t fight.

04. It’s unfair to think so much of you when you’re not missing me at all, to cry when you never shed a tear, to love when you say words that hurt my heart and to live when you breathe for someone else.

05. He holds me when I start to cry, makes me smile with just his eyes. He shares my hopes, dreams, and fears. He wipes away all my tears. I love him without regret. I just haven’t found him yet.

06. You’re there but not really. You’re mine but not really. I never really had you so I never really lost you. I suppose I’ll just be this someone wishfully thinking. I had you, you had me but then again not really.

07. Ouch: I never really wanted to let go of you but you wanted to be free. I wanted to stay but you wanted me to go. I never gave up till you told me that all the time I was loving you, you were wishing me gone.

08. How do you define love? Do you make people fall for you and feel a short damn moment of happiness? Then the next thing you do, dump them? If that's how you define love then I should say you've loved me quite well.

09. If you only knew how much I wanted to hold your hand and make you stay, if you only knew how much I cried when you went away, if you only felt the pain I did then maybe you could’ve felt the love I hid.

10. My friend once asked me if I do love you, I answered, “Yes." He asked me again, "Does he love you?" I sat down, looked at the stars, closed my eyes and said, “Wishes do come true, right?”

Sad quotes about life and pain

01. I said I miss you. You said you miss me more. You said goodbye. I said, “Why too soon?” You said “I love you.” I said, “So why do you have to go?” You said, “Cause my friend is in love with you.”

02. I feel like finally, it’s over. It doesn’t hurt anymore. Finally, I could smile again. But every once in a while, it comes back. I remember how I lost the only person I’ve ever loved and then I realize I still do.

03. If time would come that I’d have to let you go, I’d let you believe that I fooled you. I know this would hurt but it would hurt more if you’ll find out that I loved you but I couldn’t fight for you.

04. A stolen glance, he looked this way. It must be my chance, must be my day. In his eyes, a gentle gaze. He spoke words so soft and true, “Tell your friend I love her, will you?”

05. You told me you love me but I don’t wanna believe it. You asked me to believe you but I didn’t. You know why? How can you tell me you love me if I saw a reflection of another girl in your eyes?

06. It’s sad when you want someone but you’d have to give up someone else to get them. Then when you’ve already done that, you find out that the one you gave up once also gave up everything for you.

07. It’s okay if you can’t love me nor even think of me. I’m not asking you to. It’s really okay for me if you can’t cause you see? What I told you was “I love you” not “please love me too”.

08. Are you really insensitive or are you just playing stupid? Cause you’re there wondering why I can’t seem to look, why I’m keeping distance from you. Well, in case you haven’t noticed, I’m falling in love with you.

09. Fairy tales usually start with “once upon a time” and end with “and they lived happily ever after”. But for us it’s “they lived happily ever after once upon a time”.

10. Everyday, I walk towards you hoping that I’d somehow get to be with you for at least a moment. But it’s hard for me to catch up when you’re also trying to catch up with someone else.

Sad quotes sayings

01. I hope I never met you so I wouldn’t have fallen for you and I wouldn’t have to struggle with my feelings cause I know it’s impossible. Please tell me what to do. Should I just keep distance and try to forget you?

02. For many times I said I wouldn’t love you anymore yet every time I lay my eyes on you, my heart starts to state these silent words, “I’m still not over you.”

03. I said I didn’t cry much when you went away. I told you I can move on and I will be okay. I said I was happy when you found someone new. The sad thing is you believed me though I didn’t want you to.

04. Sad reality: I love him but I’ve fallen for you. I can’t leave him but I can’t bear losing you. He gives me the world but you mean the world to me. Now should I cling to my past or should I let you pass?

05. My angel told me that to prove my love for you, I should show it and I should say it. I told her I already did. She asked how. I answered with tears, “I let her go.”

06. Don’t be surprised if one day I’ll avoid you and be gone. It’s not because you’ve done something wrong and I hate you but because I’m afraid to love and be hurt again by somebody who cant love me back.

07. Sad: I’ve fallen in love so many times but love never gave me a chance to know how it feels to be loved back by the person I love so much.

08. Why do I have to leave you now that I’m madly in love with you? Why do I have to say goodbye now that my everything is you? Why do I have to set you free now that all I need is you? And why must you love another when I am here loving you?

09. You’ve broken my heart by making me fall and now I wish I never knew you at all. You’ve played me around as if I were some kind of game and now things will never be the same. But here I am, still as stupid as I can be, hoping and wishing that you will still love me.

10. You promised to take care of me but you hurt me. You promised to give me joy but you brought me tears. You promised your love but you gave me pain. Me? I promised you nothing but I gave you my heart.

Sad day quotes

01. Is it possible to cry without tears flowing? Is it possible to be hurt without feeling? Is it possible to be forgiven without pleading? Is it possible for you to love me without me hurting?

02. Slowly, I broke down, tears fell from my eyes, my heart shattered into pieces, all the sweet memories played inside my mind. And like that I stayed while watching you walk out of my life.

03. Sometimes the best way to say I love you is to hold his hand, give it to the one he loves, let go, pretend it’s okay when deep inside, you’re dying.

04. People tell me to stop loving you in a dream world cause I’ll never get what I want but they’re wrong cause the only thing I want is you and to have you, well, dreams are the only things I can count on.

05. Are you aware that my heaven is missing an angel? I wanna let you know that you’re that angel. But no, I’m not taking you back cause maybe you’re no longer happy in the heaven where we both used to be.

06. Why is it that I’m always hurt by the one I love and always being loved by the people who shouldn’t be loving me? The sad thing here is though I try to choose the one who loves me, my heart still longs for the one who hurts me.

07. The day you broke my heart, I dropped a tear in the sea. I was lost and distorted, without you I can’t be me. And when they find that tear, that single drop of pain, that’s the one and only time this heart forgets your name.

08. You always say you hate to see me hurt, you hate to see me cry. So all of those times you’ve hurt me, were you closing your eyes?

09. I know I shouldn’t care or wonder how you are. But I just can’t hide the pain inside my broken heart. I’m fighting back emotions I’ve never fought before. Cause I’m not supposed to love you anymore.

10. Don’t look at me and say goodbye. Don’t whisper words to make me cry. Just walk away if you have to go. You will break my heart but I promise I would never let you know.

Sad lonely quotes

01. I’m always pretending I’m happy when I couldn’t even smile, keep on pretending I’m not hurt now that he’s no longer mine. What would I do if he loves someone new? I’ll just pretend I don’t love him too.

02. Just when I’m almost over you, you begin to show up again and make me feel special. Is this how you operate? For if it is, I hate you cause damn it! I’m falling for you all over again.

03. I never thought this would happen, I really didn’t know. But I guess it’s better if you just let go. I’m really gonna miss you and everything you did for me. Cause as long as she owns you, this love could never be.

04. I needed someone so I tried to talk to you but you were in a hurry. I tried to call you but you said you were busy. I wanted to tell you how I feel, to tell you I love you. Now you’ll never know cause guess what? I’ve learned to let go.

05. There are times that I’m about to give up cause there’s no way I can make you mine. But why is it that every time I’m ready to let go, I end up falling for you all over again?

06. How do I say goodbye to someone I never had? Why do tears fall for someone who was never mine? Why do I miss someone who I was never with? And why do I love someone whose love was never mine?

07. You’ve hurt me once, you’ve hurt me twice but all I did was shut my eyes. For in reality that everyone can see, I love you more than you love me.

08. I can say I’m fine when you don’t see me cry. I can say I can move on when I couldn’t even try. I can say I’m happy when I just want to die. But I can’t say I still love you when you said goodbye.

09. If all is fair, why did you hurt me so? If all ends well, why did you have to go? If happily ever after is true then why am I here crying over you?

10. Here I am, trying to make a fool out of myself, pretending I like someone new and showing everyone I don’t care about you. But if you only know what I’m going through, this heart will always belong to you.

Sad quotes life

01. What we had was perfect, what we had was true. I loved you completely and so did you. But what we had is now over, it’s all in the past. I just have to accept that some good things never last.

02. I would have taken care of you. I would have loved being in your arms. I would have loved loving you back. All you had to do was ask and there could have been something we could call “us”.

03. It wasn't the way my heart ached when you told her you loved her. It was the way my heart broke for you when she told you she didn't want you that way. That was how I knew I loved you.

04. You were sitting at one place. I sat beside you and asked what happened, you walked away. I was about to run after you but then I realized that we were sitting on my grave.

05. When you love someone, you give everything without thinking twice, deny the truth, believe in lies, do crazy things that you can’t explain and cry over things that hurt you but still stay and say, “I’m okay.”

06. I never thought I would dream about you. In my dream, you said you love me too. Now I wake up and find you. I want you to tell me those words all over again but what the heck? You just keep on waking me up.

07. It’s nice to know that you’re sweet enough to say that you’d pick someone just like me to spend your life with. But it’s just so painful to see that you’re spending your life with someone who’s just like me but not me.

08. A guy said to a girl, “You’re nice. The guy you love is lucky.” Then after a while, he showed her a picture, “She’s my girl.” And the girl said, “You know what? She’s luckier cause the guy I love loves her.”

09. The rain reminds me of you, how cold you are, how gloomy you make me feel, how many tears I’ve shed because of you, how much damage you’ve caused and how stupid I am for still needing you.

10. Life is indeed unfair. There are times when I’d stare at the sky at night and wonder why you are my entire universe when I’m not even a little star in yours.

Sad heartbreak quotes

01. Why do you have to make me fall when you're not going to catch me? It hurts that you didn't catch me the moment I fell and it hurts even more to see you catch someone else while I was falling.

02. I know as long as you are happy, I can get through this. But it still kills me to see you with her. Not because she is perfect for you, not because she makes you smile, not because she is what you need but because she's my best friend.

03. No matter how loud I laugh, I’m still not happy. No matter how hard I cry, the sadness inside grows. The more people love me, the more I feel empty. I just need you to love me for all the pain to go.

04. He has the power to hurt me and I’m afraid if I let him know what I feel then that’s exactly what he’ll do. But even if he does hurt me, I’ll find some reason to understand why. It’s just that he can do no wrong in my eyes.

05. I’m not afraid of ghosts, I’m not afraid of disasters and I have no fear in death. But there’s one thing I’m really afraid of. It’s the time you’ll stop loving me.

06. Just when questions seemed endless, it suddenly became clear. You came not to love me but to teach me how to love. Then you walked away without any idea how much I’ve learned and how much it hurts.

07. Sometimes I get so fed up that I just want to walk away from you. But what hurts me is that I know you’re not going to follow.

08. Why is it so easy to love and yet so hard to be loved back? Why should I feel such if destiny permits me not? Why do I have to fall if it’s you I can’t have? Why is there a you and me but never be an us?

09. One night, someone noticed a star losing its usual bright glow and asked the star why. Then it answered, “I’ve grown tired and weak shining for someone whose glance has never been mine.”

10. You said you’ll wait for me but you didn’t. You said we’ll be together but we weren’t. You said you care but obviously, you don’t. Now you say you don’t love me. Well, guess what? I know.